Thursday, February 1, 2007

Book News

The new Harry Potter book has a publishing date.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, the seventh and final installment of the boy wizard's adventures, will be published and released at 12:01 AM on July 21st, according to author J.K. Rowling's website.

While I won't be in line to buy it at midnight, I will be buying it shortly after its release.


Mrs Big Dubya said...

Perhaps someone in this esteemed club can explain Harry Potter to me.... 'cause I just don't get it.

I heard all about how great the books were -- so, when a friend offered to lend me the first two -- I jumped at the chance to read them.

I read the first, and although I found it to be somewhat entertaining.... not sure I fully got the hype. So, I read the second -- again, a decent read -- but what's the fuss about?

melissa said...

You gotta read them all. The first 2 are just set up for the next 3 (so far) which contain more twists, turns and "what's gonna happen next?!" type stuff. My favorite was the 4th book but the 6th is a close second because the story gets so complicated.

BTW, anone seen what's happened to our little Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe? I want to say that this is hot but admitting so would make me a pedophile:

Challenge 20/20 teams said...
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Challenge 20/20 teams said...

Okay Mrs Big W-
You're one of my very best friends and that is why I have the patience to explain all of this to you. The Potter books are written for children with the expectation that children can handle complex storylines and understand the constant struggle between good and evil, dark and light. The Potter books, like the Star Wars and LOTR, and Narnia books (and, for that matter, The Bible) confront the same basic issues, that there is the potential for great good and catastrophic evil in each of us and that choosing light over darkness is sometimes the most difficult choice of all. And despite what those bible-thumping crazies would like you to believe, the book is chock full of moral lessons about loyalty and family and sacrifice. And if you need yet another reason to keep reading... these books have pulled children and adults by the millions away from their television and and playstations to READ.

Kemp said...

I agree with Melissa. THe first two are, essentially, fluff designed to set up characters and later plot lines. Book 3 is when things start to really happen and the mood of the books really starts to turn darker.

I think reading the others would help you understand. Rowling's writing may not be Hesse or Melville, but it's miles above say, a Dan Brown.